The Source in Corning, NY


The Source Restaurants with Address and Phone:

1 restaurant location in Corning

The Source Menu in Corning


Gluten free waffles available.


Belgian waffle with cinnamon, cayenne, chilli powder and dark chocolate. Topped with ice cream, whipped cream and more spices and chocolate.

Chicken Salad

Belgian waffle topped with our chicken salad (chicken, craisins, grapes, mayo), micro-greens and grape pumpkin dressing.

Apple Pie

Belgian waffle topped with spiced apples, cream cheese, ice cream, whipped cream, cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Strawberry Cheesecake

Belgian waffle topped with strawberry compote and whipped cream cheese with whipped cream and powdered sugar.

Brownie Batter

Belgian waffle brownie topped with ice cream, whipped cream, caramel, powdered sugar and chocolate.


Belgian waffle topped with Nutella, strawberries, bananas, whipped cream and powdered sugar.

PB & Fluff

Belgian waffle topped with fluff, strawberries, banana, peanut butter, whipped cream and powdered sugar.

Chocolate Chunk

Belgian waffle topped with our chocolate chunks, bananas, whipped cream, powdered sugar, chocolate.

Cinnamon Roll

Belgian waffle with cinnamon swirl and cream cheese frosting.

Smoothie Bowls

Acai Smoothie Bowl

Acai, strawberry, blueberry, banana, almond milk.

Pitayi Smoothie Bowl

Dragonfruit powder, strawberry, banana and almond milk.

Peanut Butter Smoothie Bowl

Blueberry, strawberry, banana, chocolate, almond milk and peanut butter.


Cake Truffle Trio A La Carte

3 cake truffles with ice cream, caramel, whipped cream and chocolate.

Rice Pudding

Our perfectly spiced homemade rice pudding is topped with strawberry compote and whipped cream.

Chocolate Fondue

Our FLX chocolate melted perfected with cream delivered in a cast iron pot and served with a variety of dippers.

Jar of Maple Candied Bacon

5 slices of thick-cut bacon baked perfectly in brown sugar and real maple syrup.

Microgreen Smoothies

Fresh cut microgreens packed full of nutrients. Types of greens vary.

Beetle Juice

Microgreens, beets, mango, carrots, pineapple, ginger, orange juice, apple.

Simply Green

Microgreens, apple, spinach, lemon and coconut water.

Green Ginger

Microgreens, mango, pineapple, ginger, spinach, vanilla, coconut water.

Booger Buster

Microgreens, apple, spinach, ginger, lemon, orange juice, cayenne pepper.

Green Goddess

Microgreens, pineapple, banana, mango and coconut milk.

Fruit Smoothies

Jungle A-Peel

Mango, banana, coconut oil, coconut water, coconut.

Strawberry Boost

Strawberries, carrots, orange juice, coconut water.

Peach Paradise

Peaches, strawberries, banana, honey and coconut milk.

Strawberry Fields

Strawberries, banana, almond milk.

Blueberry Patch

Blueberries, strawberries, honey, banana and almond milk.

Orange Mango

Peaches, pineapple, orange juice, mango and yogurt.

Peanut Butter Smoothies


Peanut butter, banana, vanilla almond milk.


Peanut butter, banana, chocolate almond milk.

PB & J

Blueberries, strawberries, banana, peanut butter and chocolate almond milk.

Dessert Smoothies

Cinnamon Roll

Cinnamon, ice cream, milk, brown sugar, maple syrup, banana, whipped cream, caramel.

Blueberry Cheesecake

Blueberries, cream cheese, milk, ice cream, whipped cream, graham crackers

Pina Colada

Coconut syrup, pineapple, orange juice, ice cream, whipped cream, coconut, mango.

Brownie Batter

Brownie mix, chocolate almond milk, chocolate ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate.

Pink Cupcake

Funfetti cake mix, strawberries, almond milk, whipped cream, chocolate.

Matcha, Turmeric & Beet

Beet Root Lemonade

Beet juice, lemon, honey.

Iced Matcha Coffee Fusion

Matcha, cold-brewed coffee, almond milk, vanilla syrup.

Iced Golden Milk

Turmeric, agave, cinnamon, maple syrup, ginger, vanilla, black pepper, almond milk.

Matcha Lemonade

Matcha, lemons, agave, raw sugar.

Vanilla Green Tea Latte

.Matcha, almond milk, vanilla syrup, whipped cream. Served hot.

Turmeric Orange Smoothie

Turmeric, orange juice, agave, black peppers, carrots, mango.

Matcha Madness Smoothie

Matcha, coconut oil, orange juice, coconut water, mango, vanilla, agave.

Iced Matcha Latte

Matcha, almond milk, vanilla syrup.

Beet Orange Latte

Beet juice, almond milk, orange zest, maple syrup.

Iced Beet Latte

Beet juice, almond milk, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon.

Turmeric Lemonade

Turmeric, black pepper, maple syrup, lemon, raw sugar.



Turmeric with Cracked Black Pepper


Refreshing Cold Drinks

Chia Lemonade

Lemons, raw sugar, chia seeds.

Iced Earl Grey Milk Tea

Earl grey black tea, honey, almond milk.

Iced Vanilla Milk Tea

Bourbon street vanilla herbal tea, honey and almond milk.

Strawberry Lemonade Refresher

Lemons, water, raw sugar, strawberries, dried strawberries, sparkling water.

Strawberry Chia Lemonade

Strawberries, lemons, raw sugar, water, chia seeds.


Made with big train powdered chai and almond milk.

Hot Chai

Iced Chai

Frozen Chai



Utica Coffee Roasters


Made with almond milk and topped with whipped cream.

Coffee Combo

Made with your choice of chai or cocoa with almond milk and topped with whipped cream.

Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate

Made with almond milk and whipped cream.

Fresh Brewed Tea


Yerba mate, bohemian raspberry, sencha cherry.


Chamomile, peppermint, bourbon street vanilla, orange blossom.

Chocolate Tea

Mint, strawberry, orange, white, belgium.

Black Earl Grey

Irish breakfast, mango mist, black current.

Soda Floats

Soda Floats

See cooler for old fashioned soda choices made with vanilla ice cream.