Absolute Caviar Menu with Prices


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Absolute Caviar Menu

Caviar Menu

Kaluga Amber

Buttery and delicate nutty. Dark gray to dark green.

Kaluga Gold

Buttery and delicate nutty. Light gray to light golden green.

Ossetra Select

Bold, nutty, firm and juicy .Dark brown to warm and pewter gray. Large size.

Ossetra Royal

Bold, nutty, firm and juicy. Dark brown to warm and pewter gray.

Siberian Sturgeon

Buttery and smooth. Light to dark gray with a hazel glint.

White Sturgeon

Robust, nutty and buttery. Light gray to dark hazel.

Paddlefish Royal

Strong flavors with smooth, earthy taste. Light gray to greenish.

Paddlefish Select

Strong flavors with smooth, earthy taste. Light gray.

Paddlefish Classic

Strong flavors with smooth, earthy taste. Dark grey.


Creme Fraiche 8oz

French Mini Blinis 16 pieces

Mother of Pearl Caviar Spoon

This selective caviar spoon is made from genuine mother of pearl shell which is well-known in its beauty and natural color. They are delicately hand-made and individually polished. It's strong and resilient characteristics, along with its glowing, iridescent appearance, makes it the ideal finishing touch to any caviar spread. With the use of a delicate hand, the organic, non-metallic nature of the material leaves the taste and texture of the caviar unaltered.

Mother of Pearl dish