Awesome Juice Bar Menu with Prices


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Awesome Juice Bar Menu


Apple Juice

Carrot Juice

Orange Juice

Mixed Juices

Made in a centrifugal juicer.

Carrot and Apple Mixed Juice

2 Carrot, Beetroot and Celery Mixed Juice

3 OJ, Carrot and Apple Mixed Juice

4 Apple, Carrot and Cucumber Mixed Juice

5 OJ, Apple and Lime Mixed Juice

6 Apple, Celery and Cucumber Mixed Juice

7 Carrot, Orange and Beetroot Mixed Juice

8 Apple, Carrot and Celery Mixed Juice

Blend Your Own Mix

Blend Your Own Mix

Mixed Smoothies

No sugar added.

Awesome Mixed Smoothie

Pineapple, banana, spinach, and apple juice.

Chill Mixed Smoothie

Ginger, strawberry, pineapple, and apple juice.

Good-4U Mixed Smoothie

Kale, banana, and OJ.

Manberry Mixed Smoothie

Mango, strawberry, blueberry, and OJ.

Miko Mixed Smoothie

Banana, strawberry, and OJ.

Smoocado Mixed Smoothie

Spinach, avocado, pineapple, and apple juice.

Summer Mixed Smoothie

Mango, avocado, spinach, and coconut water.

Tropical Mixed Smoothie

Papaya, pineapple, strawberry, and coconut water.


Green Blended Juice

Spinach, pineapple, green grapes, and apple juice.

Kale-Plus Blended Juice

Kale, ginger, celery, cucumber, and apple juice.

Kool Kiwi Blended Juice

Kiwi, cucumber, celery, and apple juice.

K.I.S Blended Juice

Pineapple, ginger, and OJ.

Mexicano Blended Juice

Pineapple, celery, cactus leaf, and OJ.

MR. Cactus Blended Juice

Cactus leaf, celery, spinach, mango, and apple juice.


Plain Bagel

Toasted with cream cheese or peanut butter.

Whole Wheat Bagel

Toasted with cream cheese or peanut butter.

Banana Nut Bagel

Toasted with cream cheese or peanut butter.


Mozzarella Pearls Salad

On a bed of iceberg lettuce, carrots, red cabbage, kale, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes.

Quinoa and Boiled Egg Salad

On a bed of iceberg lettuce, carrots, red cabbage, kale, cucumber, and cherry tomatoes.


Greek Yogurt

Acai Bowl

Organic acai. No sugar added.

Tropical Bowl

16 ounce. Acai, pineapple, papaya, strawberry, and coconut water. Topped with sliced banana and strawberries.

Berry Bowl

16 ounce. Acai, strawberry, blueberry, banana, and almond milk. Topped with sliced banana and strawberries.

PB Bowl

16 ounce. Acai, banana, cacao powder, peanut butter, and almond milk. Topped with sliced banana and strawberries.

Superman-Go Bowl

16 ounce. Acai, mango, strawberry, hemp, banana, and coconut water. Topped with sliced banana and strawberries.

Buenos Dias Bowl

16 ounce. Acai, banana, almond butter, papaya, and almond milk. Topped with sliced banana and strawberries.

Milk Shake

It comes with milk or almond milk.

Banana Milk Shake

Mango Milk Shake

Strawberry Milk Shake

Banana and Strawberry Milk Shake

Banana and Cacao Milk Shake

Banana and Oatmeal Milk Shake


Mango Yogurt

Strawberry Yogurt

Blueberry Yogurt



Agua Fresca

100% real fruit.

Mango Agua Fresca

Pineapple Agua Fresca

Strawberry Agua Fresca