Barrett's Menu with Prices


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Barrett's Menu

Our Coffees

El Pireo, Santa Ana El Salvador

Very clean medium-bodied with a delicate floral aroma.

Cajamarca, Peru

Caramel, lemon and nice acidity.

Colombia Huila, Pitalito

Big round and juicy, balanced acidity and body.

Kenya F Tembo

Sweet and tangy with chocolate, grapefruit and lemon.

Raimundo Tavares, Brazil

Solid coffee with subtle red berry and soft nuttiness.

Yirgacheffe, Konga

Natural process, bright and lively with pronounced strawberry notes and chocolate.

Sumatra Harimau Tiger

Full and soft buttery sweetness.

Las Nubes, San Marcos Guatemalan

Toffee and citrus, balanced and soft.

Mexico Cristal

Chiapas is certainly 1 of the more interesting coffees of the world. Ours is a medium dark roast with heavy chocolate character, dense body, with a sweetness and aftertaste that lingers perfectly in your mouth.

Decaf Swiss Water Brazil

Rich nutty and smooth. Naturally decaffeinated using the swiss water process.

Signature Blend

Our classic 2 part blend that changes seasonally to provide an exciting and always balanced drip brew or espresso.


Espresso created in collaboration with tantra coffee house in san marcos. Currently a 80-20 mix of Colombia pitalito and konga. Dynamic, juicy, sweet!