Bionicos Cupa at 310 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813

Phone: (562) 247-1171

Address: 310 E Anaheim St Long Beach, CA 90813

Bionicos Cupa Menu in Long Beach


1. Orange Juice

2. Carrotsm, Tomato and Celery Juice

3. Vampiro Juice

Beet, orange, celery and carrot.

4. Popeye Juice

Spinach, parsley, celery, orange and pineapple.

5. Diabetic Juice

Grapefruit, pineapple, parsley and celery.

6. Adios Anemia Juice

Orange, beet, carrot and spinach.

7. Cholesterol Juice

Carrot, parsley and garlic.

8. Ulcer Juice

Cabbage, carrot and potatoes.

9. Diabetes Out Juice

Parsley, cactus, celery, cucumber, grapefruit and pineapple.

10. Stress Juice

Tomatoes, parsley, celery and carrot.

11. Liver and Stomach Juice

Pineapple, orange and betabel.

12. Constipation Juice

Pineapple, papaya, and apple.

13. Orange and Carrots Juice

14. Levantate Lazaro Juice

Kale, spinach, apple, celery and pineapple.

15. Quema Grasa Juice

Kiwi, ginger, apple, pineapple and cucumber.

16. Your Own Combination Juice

Aguas Frescas



Mango, Chamoy and Chile and Polvo

Fresa, Chamoy y Chile and Polvo

Pina, Chamoy y Chile and Polvo

Tamarindo y Chamoy

Manzana con Chamoy


1. Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Apple and Yogurt Smoothie

2. Strawberries and Yogurt Smoothie

3. Banana, Strawberries and Orange Smoothie

4. Chamango Smoothie

Chamoy and mango.

5. Kiwi, Mango y Fresa Smoothie

6. Malteade Smoothie

Shakes and Lucuados

1. Oasis Shake

Strawberry, orange and pineapple.

2. Caribe Shake

Orange, papaya and pineapple.

3. Cancun Shake

Banana, orange and strawberry.

4. Waikiki Shake

Coconut, orange and strawberry.

5. Acapulco Shake

Cantaloupe, papaya and banana with milk.

1. Bomba Shake

Banana honey, papaya, apple, granola and protein.

2. Mamey Shake

3. Chocomilk Shake

Banana and chocolate.


Mocha Frappuccino

Caramel Frappuccino

Cookies and Creme Frappuccino

Coffee Vanilla Frappuccino

Chocolate Frappuccino


Duro con Cueritos


Nachos con Queso

Cheetos con Queso


Tuna Sandwich

Chicken Sandwich

Ham, Turkey and Cheese Sandwich

Ham, Turkey and Bacon Sandwich

Turkey, Bacon and Avocado Sandwich

Sandwich de Pierna


1. Strawberries with Cream

With granola, raisins and coconut flakes.

1. Strawberries with Yogurt

With granola, raisins and coconut flakes.

2. Banana, Cantaloupe, Papaya and Apple

Strawberries with cream, granola, raisins and coconut.

3. Medium Pico de Gallo

4. Tropical Mixed Fruit Salad

With cottage cheese and honey.


1. Coco Raspado

2. Nuez Raspado

3. Vainilla Raspado

4. Kalhua Raspado

5. Tequila Raspado

6. Rompope Raspado

7. Pina Colada Raspado

8. Leche Raspado

9. Cajeta Raspado

10. Capuchino Raspado

11. Uva Raspado

12. Membrillo Raspado

13. Fresa Raspado

14. Durazno Raspado

15. Guayaba Raspado

16. Jamaica Raspado

18. Limon Raspado

19. Amayan Raspado

20. Mango Raspado

21. Ciruela Raspado

22. Mamey Raspado

23. Kiwi Raspado

24. Chamoy Raspado

25. Pina Raspado

26. Ciruela Pasa Raspado

27. Nance Raspado

28. Large Banana Split