Flying Chicken Restaurant Menu with Prices

Latin American

Flying Chicken Restaurant Near Me

Flying Chicken Restaurant Menu

Antojitos - Appetizers

Arepa Con Queso

cheese corn cake

Empanada De Carne O Pollo

corn puff filled with ground beef or chicken, potato, chopped tomato and onions.

Ensalada (garden Salad)

lechuga, tomate y pepino. (lettuce, tomato and cucumber)

Sopas - Soups

Caldo De Vegetales (vegetable Soup)

Sancocho De Gallina (hen Soup)

servido con arroz y aguacate. (served w/rice & avocado)

Sancocho De Res (beef Soup)

servido con arroz y aguacate. (served w/rice & avocado)

Consome (chicken Soup)

deliciosa sopa hecha de menudencia de pollo. (hardy combination chicken soup with gizzards, liver and chicken necks)

Ordenes Separadas - Side Orders


(fried sweet plantain)


(fried green plantain)

Yuca Frita

(fried cassava)


(pinto beans)




Bebidas - Drinks

Jugos Naturales (tropical Shakes)

mora (blackberry), maracuya (passion fruit), guanabana (sourop), mango (mango), lulo (lulo)

Importadas (imported)

colombiana, manzana, naranja postobon, inka kola, kola champagne, jarritos, sangria

Domestica (domestic)

coco-cola (diet), iced tea, sprite

Cafe (coffee)

Cafe Con Iteche

(coffee w/milk)

Chocolate Caliente

(hot chocolate)

Agua De Panela Con Queso

Alcoholic Beverages


Miller Draft

Miller Lite




Tequila Shots





Vodka Con Naranje



Pina Colada

Postres - Dessert


(colombian style custard)

Brevas Con Queso

(figs w/cheese)

Pollo a La Brasa - Roasted Chicken

Plato Familiar (family Platter)

1 pollo y medlo con arroz y papas fritas. (1 1/2 chicken served with rice and fried potatoes.)

Pollo Entero (whole Chicken)

1 pollo entero servido con papas fritas o maduros. (1 whole chicken served with fried potatoes or sweet plantian)

Bandeja De Pollo (chicken Platter)

servido con arroz, papas, frijoles, ensalada y consome. (served with rice, beans, potatoes, salad and a side of chicken soup.)

Especial De Medio (1/2 Chicken Special)

servido con arroz, papas y frijoles. (served with rice, potatoes and beans)

Especial De Cuarto (1/4 Chicken Special)

servido con arroz, papas y frijoles.( served with rice, potatoes and beans) choice of dark or white meat.

Medio Pollo (1/2 Chicken)

servido con papas. (served with fried potatoes)

Arroz Con Pollo (mixed Rice with Chicken)

arroz amaritto con pollo, avejas, zanahoria y papas fritas. (yellow rice with chicken, green peas and carrots. served with fried potatoes.

Carnes - Steaks

Churrasco (specialty of The House)

lomo ancho al carbon, servido en tabla con platano maduro, yuca y papa. (char-grilled new york strip steak, served with sweet plantain, cassava, potato.)

Plato Combinado (combination Plate)

lomo y pechuga asada al carbon, servido con maduros y papa. (char-grilled new york strip steak and chicken breast, served with potato and sweet plantain.

Carne Asada (skirt Steak)

suave lomo de res asado al carbon, servido con arroz, frijoles, papa y ensalada. (tender char-grilled skirt steak, served with rice, beans, potato and salad.

Ternera a La Lianera

servido con platano maduro, papa y yuca. (steak veal, served with sweet plantain, cassava, potato)

Bistec Encebollado (sauteed Onion Steak)

servido con arroz, tostones y ensalads. (served with rice, fried plantain and salad)

Tradicionales Platos Colombianos

Picada Colombiane

combinacion de chicharron, costilla, chorizo, yucca, platano, papa y arepa, (combination of pork, sausage, spare ribs, plantain, cassave, potatoes and corn cake)

Bandeja Paisa

carne asada, arroz, frijoles, chorizo, huevo frito, arepa y platano frito. (colombian mountain platter served with steak, rice, beans, corn cake, fried egg and sweet plantain)

Sobrebarriga a La Criotla

servido en nuestra salsa criotla con yuca, papa, platano maduro frito y arroz. (sauteed flank steak simmered in out delicious criolia sauce, served with potatoes, cassave, sweet plantain and rice)


arroz, frijoles y pollo, servido con maduros. (rice, beans and chicken, served with sweet plantain)

Mariscos - Seafood

Mojarra Frita

servido con tostones y arroz. (servido with fried plantain and rice)

Fillete De Pescado Blanco

pescado blanco frito, servido con arroz, ensalada y tostones. (lake superior white fish, served with rice, salad and green plantian)

Camarones Al Ajillo

carmarones fritos al ajo, servido con arroz, ensalada y tostones. (lake superioe shrimp, served with rice, salad and green plantain.)

Arroz Con Camarones

arroz amaritto mixto con camarones, servido con tostones. ( a mixture of rice with shrimp, served with fried plantian)

Arroz Con Mariscos

combinacion de arroz amaritto, pulpo, camarones y ostiones. ( a mixture of rice with shrimp, calamari , octopus and oysters, served with fried plantain)

Cazuela De Mariscos

servido con arroz y tostones. (seafood soup with rice and fried plantain)