Juice Shop in San Francisco, CA

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1 restaurant location in San Francisco

Juice Shop Menu in San Francisco


Power Mix

Sprouted cashew, pistachio, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, mulberry, goldenberry, goji berry, cacao nib.

Power Bites

Brazil nut, date, raw heirloom cacao, cacao butter, coconut oil, chaga mushroom, maca, coconut flakes.



Cold-pressed raw elixir. Turmeric, pineapple, black pepper, cayenne pepper.


Cold-pressed raw elixir. Ginger, lemon, oregano oil, garlic.

Liver Regenerator

Cold-pressed raw elixir. Milk thistle, dandelion greens, ginger root, apple, lemon.

Matcha Ashitaba

Cold-pressed raw elixir. Matcha, ashitaba, coconut water.

Blue-Green Algae

Raw elixir. Blue-green algae.

Immunity 25-pack

Ginger, lemon, oregano oil, garlic.

Raw Cold-Pressed Juices 16 oz.

Bright Green

Cold-pressed raw juice. Cucumber, apple, pineapple, kale, ginger, lemon.

Pineapple Pear Chia

Cold-pressed raw juice. Pineapple, pear, filtered water, chia seed.

Classic Orange

Cold-pressed raw juice. Orange.

Deep Green

Cold-pressed raw juice. Celery, cucumber, romaine, kale, spinach, parsley, lemon.

Beta Green

Alpha Green

Cold-pressed raw juice. Celery, cucumber, sunflower sprouts, lemon.


Cold-pressed raw juice. Filtered water, lemon, agave, ginger, cayenne pepper.

Coconut Water

Raw coconut water. Coconut water.

Citrus Gold

Cold-pressed raw juice. Orange, carrot, grapefruit, turmeric.

A Deep Green

Cold-pressed raw juice. Celery, cucumber, apple, romaine, kale, spinach, parsley, lemon.

Maca Malt

Raw smoothie. Maca, cacao arriba, banana, sprouted almonds, coconut water, vanilla bean, Himalayan salt, filtered water.

Classic Grapefruit

Cold-pressed raw juice. Grapefruit.

Beta Beet

Cold-pressed raw juice. Celery, carrot, beets, ginger, lemon.

Jalapeno Punch

Cold-pressed raw juice. Pineapple, orange, cilantro, jalapeno.

The Local

Seasonal. Cold-pressed raw juice. Cucumber, celery, dandelion, chard, spinach, parsley, ginger, turmeric, lemon.

Cold Brew

Coffee and nut-milk. Sprouted almond milk, cold brew coffee, coconut nectar.

Almond Drink

Immunity Juice Pack

Our immunity juice pack includes 2 deep greens, 2 citrus golds, 2 immunity elixirs and 2 turmeric elixirs. Dark leafy greens and a healthy dose of vitamin c, gingerand turmeric root, you can't go wrong.


Cold-pressed raw juice. Coconut water, blue-green algae.

5 Seed (Smoothie)

Raw smoothie. Sunflower seed, hemp seed, chia seed, flax seed, pumpkin seed, blue-green algae, strawberries, banana, sprouted raw almonds, vanilla bean, Himalayan salt, filtered water.


Advanced Cleanse

Deep green, beta green, alpha green, blue-green algae, lemon-aid, almond drink, liver regenerator, the local (seasonal).

Pro Cleanse

Deep green, alpha green, blue-green algae, liver regenerator, the local (seasonal).

Intermediate Cleanse

Deep green, beta green, alpha green, coconut water, blue-green algae, lemon-aid, turmeric, almond drink.

Beginner Cleanse

A and deep green, alpha green, beta beet, coconut water, blue-green algae, pineapple pear chia, turmeric, almond drink.