Mr. Banh Mi in San Francisco, CA


Mr. Banh Mi Restaurants with Address and Phone:

1 restaurant location in San Francisco

Mr. Banh Mi Menu in San Francisco


Banh mi.

1. Shredded Pork Sandwich


2. Vietnamese Ham Sandwich

Thit nguoi.

3. Vietnamese Pork Roll Sandwich

Cha lua.

4. Meat Ball Sandwich

Xiu mai.

5. Vietnamese Headcheese Sandwich

Gio thu.

6. Tofu Sandwich

Dau hu. Vegetarian friendly.

7. Vegetarian Sandwich

Rau cai chay. Vegetarian friendly.

8. Special Combination Sandwich

Dac biet.

9. B.B.Q. Pork Sandwich

Thit nuong.

10. B.B.Q. Beef Sandwich

Bo nuong.

11. B.B.Q. Chicken Sandwich

Ga nuong.

12. Fried Fish Sandwich

Ca chien.

13. Fried Chicken Sandwich

Ga chien.

14. Pork Belly Sandwich

Thit ba chi.

15. BBQ Shrimp Sandwich

Tom nuong.

16. BBQ Fish Sandwich

Ca nuong.

Fresh Spring Rolls

17. Shrimp Spring Roll

Goi cuon tom.

18. Shredded Pork Spring Roll

Bi cuon.

19. Vegetarian Spring Roll

Goi cuon chay. Vegetarian friendly.

20. Tofu Spring Roll

Goi cuon dau hu. Vegetarian friendly.

21. BBQ Pork Spring Roll

Goi cuon thit nuong.

22. BBQ Beef Spring Roll

Goi cuon bo nuong.

23. BBQ Chicken Spring Roll

Goi cuon ga nuong.

Fried Snacks

24. Imperial Rolls

Cha gio.

25. Vegetarian Imperial Rolls

Vegetarian friendly.

26. Fried Wontons

Hoanh thanh chien.

27. Fried Chicken Wings

Canh ga chien.



Water Bottle

Soy Milk

Chrysanthemum Tea

28. Iced Milk Coffee

Ca phe sua da.

29. Thai Tea

Tra thai.


Hawaiian Chips

Doritos Chips



Coconut Jelly

Homemade Yogurt

Tofu with Ginger Syrup