The Juicery in Brooklyn, NY


The Juicery Restaurants with Address and Phone:

1 restaurant location in Brooklyn

The Juicery Menu in Brooklyn


Daily Cleanse Juice

fresh carrots, cucumbers, apples, lemon and ginger, you'll feel like a new person after this juice!

Detox Juice

Spinach, kale, apples, romaine, celery and cucumbers.

Morning Glow Juice

Fresh juiced carrots and celery.

Beautiful Morning Juice

Beets, carrots, apple and lemon.

Veggitastic Juice

Carrots, apples, beets, spinach, lemon and turmeric.

Energy Juice

Apple, beet, celery, carrot, ginger.

Anti-Inflammatory Juice

Fennel, celery, carrots, ginger and turmeric.

Oh So Beety Juice

Beets, celery and apples, one of our best selling juices.

Red Rabbit Juice

Beets, carrots, apple and lemon.

Spirit Juice

Apples, celery, spinach, parsley, lemon and ginger.

Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

16 oz. of vitamin c never tasted so good.

4 oz. Cold Pressed Organic Cherry Juice

Cherries naturally help boost your immunity, improves sleep and reduces soreness, try a cold-pressed cup today and see why so many people swear by it.

Ginger Shot

Freshly juiced ginger and lemon. For those days that you need a pick me up.

Hazak Shot

Fresh juices ginger, lemon, and garlic.

Flu Shot

Fresh juiced ginger, honey (bonne maman) and lemon.


Asap Acai Smoothie

Acai, banana, coconut water.

Bella Berry Smoothie

Blueberry, strawberry, banana orange juice.

Chanelo Smoothie

Mango, banana, pineapple, honey, coconut water.

G-Force Smoothie

Strawberry, banana, honey, almond milk.

PB Fix Smoothie

Almond milk, peanut butter, banana, honey with almond milk base

Strawberry Blondie Smoothie

Strawberry, banana, honey with almond milk base

Protein Nutter Butter Smoothie

Blue Brazil house blend cold brew with peanut butter, chocolate syrup, vanilla protein powder, banana.

Very Berry Acai Smoothie

Acai, fresh apple juice, coconut milk, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries.

Oh So Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Fresh strawberries, bananas, apple juice, coconut milk,,,mmm mmm mmm delishhh.

Creamy Mango Banana Smoothie

Blended mango and bananas into a creamy delicious smoothie (made with honey and whole milk).

Blueberry Burst Smoothie

Banana, blueberries and coconut (made with almond milk).

Classic Strawberry Banana Milk Shake

Fresh strawberries and bananas whipped with whole milk and vanilla ice cream.