Wondertea in San Francisco, CA


Wondertea Restaurants with Address and Phone:

1 restaurant location in San Francisco

Wondertea Menu in San Francisco

Signature Drinks

1. Super Fruit Tea

Passion fruit tea with fresh fruit.

3. Fluffy Crema

Pick a tea base with cheese cream.

4. Potted Plant

Matcha latte top with cream Oreo crunch.

5. Peach Girl

Peach flavor and vanilla ice cream with soda.

6. Iced Milk

Caramel milk with boba and egg pudding.

9. Black Pink

Strawberry and blueberry with cream.

8. Mango Melody

Fresh mango with cream.u

10. Sunset

Orange green tea.

11. Pineapple Express

Pineapple green tea.

12. Pink Lady

Fresh grapefruit green tea.

13. Mojito

Mint lemon sparkling.

14. Crema Brulee Milk Tea

Puff cream with milk tea.

2. Mango Sago

Real mango with mini white tapioca.

Tea Base

Milk Tea

Black Tea

Green Tea

Oolong Tea

Green Milk Tea

Oolong Milk Tea

Thai Ice Tea

7. Butterfly Pea Tea

Caffeine-free herbal tea and yogurt flavor.


Popcorn Chicken

Juicy Chicken Wing

Fried Fish Ball

Fried Lobster Ball

Cheese Stick

Curly Fries

French Fries

Fried Sweet Potato

Fried Mini Octopus

Fried Onion Rings

Fried Tofu